Autodesk 3ds Max

Posted By admin On 30.12.18
Autodesk 3ds Max Rating: 8,1/10 9315 reviews

Hello, We're faced with a problem in my office. 3DS Max has assets in it (.jpgs and so forth) that it accesses from external folders.

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We want to set things up so Max can access these files on Box. However, since the Box drive for Windows runs through the user profile, other users can't open files and have the links work. For example, I can save a file with assets in C: users sean box max_assets, but when Bob opens the same file on his computer, the assets won't work as he doesn't have a 'Sean' user folder on his computer. He can access the same files by going through his Box drive, but Max can't figure it out. We tried creating a shortcut in the root of the C: directly to Box which jumps past the user folder. This works, but for some reason, only after another user has navigated to that directory in Windows Explorer.

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So if a user opens the Max file, it reports missing assets. If they close Max, navigate through their C: shortcut to the folder the assets are stored in, and reopen the Max file, it finds all the assets. This is ok, but we have automated systems that can't do this. Is there some other way to have a folder link to Box that doesn't go through the user folders? Any ideas would be appreciated.

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Thanks in advance. Hi, Thank you for posting on the Box Community page! What you are experiencing is with absolute paths. Some programs utilized to open files from Box can only use absolute links (absolute file path) for file linking. While other programs utilize relative links ( which means File A can look for File B with a file path relative to File A's location). Linking files via Box Drive for Single Users If a user is using linked files on one machine which has Box Drive installed this is supported. However, you may need to modify the absolute links to take into account your 'Box' folder location.