Vocabulary: Traveling Airport English Arabic Singular Airplane طائِرة / طَيّارة Airport مَطار Arrival وُصول Customs المَجارِك Departure مُغادَرة Flight طَيَران Luggage مَتاع Passport جَواز [السفر] Seat (e.g. On an airplane) مَقْعَد Suitcase حَقيبة [السفر] Terminal مَحَطّة الطَيَران Ticket تَذْكِرة Visa تَأْشيرة Places English Arabic Singular Elevator مِصْعَد[ة] Entrance مَدْخَل Exit مَخْرَج Hotel فُنْدُق Hotel Room غُرْفة الفُنْدُق Mosque جامِع Parking مَوْقِف السَيّارات Restaurant مَطْعَم Restroom حَمّام Reception اسْتِقْبال Shop دُكّان Stand (e.g.
Taxi stand) مَوْقِف Stop (e.g. Bus stop) مَحَطّة Taxi أُجْرة Washing Machine غَسّالة Wudu Places مَواضِئ Other Expressions English Arabic Singular Currency Exchanger صَرّاف Current Time الساعة المَحَلِّيّة Discount تَخْفيض How Much is This? كَمْ هذا؟ Office مَكْتَب Snack وَجْبة [خفيفة].
If your travel plans in the United Arab Emirates include outdoor activities, take these steps to stay safe and healthy during your trip. Stay alert to changing weather conditions and adjust your plans if conditions become unsafe. Arabic is the official language of Egypt but it is a unique Egyptian dialect and therefore is referred to as Egyptian Arabic. As the language of the Qur'an, Arabic is widely understood n the Muslim world. Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) is a standardized form of Arabic used in business, literature, education, politics, and the media throughout the Arabic-speaking world. O Allah, You are The Companion on the journey and The Successor over the family, O Allah, I take refuge with You from the difficulties of travel, from having a change of hearts and being in a bad predicament, and I take refuge in You from an ill fated outcome with wealth and family.